Clip 1
TRT 9 seconds
Transcript: We want them to have this peace of mind during the pandemic that they're caught up on their utility bills especially as we go into the summer cooling season.
Clip 2
TRT 18 seconds
Transcript: What this really allows them to do is get that peace of mind that their utility bill is up to date and as they go into these summer months when energy demand typically climbs, they can feel more confident that they can stay current with those bills going forward.
Video Soundbites
Marty Lyons, President, Ameren Missouri
Clip 1:
TRT 13 seconds
Transcript: If our income-eligible customers reach out to us they can put 25% down toward their utility bills, the Clean Slate program will cover the other 75% giving our customers a clean slate as they head into the summer months.
Clip 2:
TRT 16 seconds
Transcript: We want you to know that if you're struggling to pay your electricity bills as we head into summer months that we want to help. We want you to contact us, look at our website, give us a call, see if we can provide you with energy assistance funds to help you with your electricity bill.