Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
Due to extreme arctic winter temperatures, Ameren Illinois Utilities customers overall have used 13 percent more natural gas over the past 30 days as compared to the same period last year,...
A U.S. District Court Judge has affirmed AmerenUE’s authority to regulate shoreline development activities, including large commercial boat docks—those with more than 10 slips—at...
In 2009, AmerenUE’s 127,000 Missouri residential and commercial natural gas customers will again be able to obtain rebates for a portion of the cost of purchasing and installing certain new...
Lights are back on for more than 136,000 homes and businesses as Ameren Illinois Utilities personnel work to complete the job of restoring electric service in the wake of a fierce ice storm and...
The Ameren Illinois Utilities expect to complete service restoration work by this evening for those customers who are still without lights due to the ice storm and high winds. Customers who are...