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Employees at AmerenUE’s Callaway Nuclear Plant complete Two Years Without a Lost Time Accident
Employees at AmerenUE's Callaway Nuclear Plant have completed two full years without a lost time accident. Callaway employees reached this safety milestone March 15.

The 730 days worked without a lost time accident represents about four million person-hours for Ameren employees. When work by supplemental employees is added, the number of safe work hours totals more than six million.

"Going two years without a lost time accident is an outstanding achievement by our employees," says Charles D. Naslund, AmerenUE senior vice president and chief nuclear officer. "The most important thing to me is everyone going home to their families safe and injury free at the end of each day. Congratulations to everyone!"

Adam Heflin, vice president, Nuclear Operations, says working safely is a core value in every facet of business at Callaway.

"I am very proud of the Callaway team and supplemental groups that have supported the plant in achieving this milestone," Heflin says. "Each team member is committed to the belief that it is unacceptable for someone to get hurt at Callaway. We fully intend to continue the trend of excellence in industrial safety."

Significantly, the record covers a period in which Callaway conducted two of the most complex refueling and maintenance outages in the plant's history. The first occurred in the spring of 2004 when Callaway replaced all 70,000 condenser tubes with ones made of a stainless steel allow that is more durable than the metal used in the original tubes.

The second occurred in the fall of 2005 when Callaway replaced all four steam generators\-the 70-foot-tall, 400-ton "boilers" that produce steam for generating electricity. This project set a new world record for the shortest duration of an outage that involved replacing four steam generators.

During the 2005 outage, Callaway also replaced all four turbine rotors\-which spin by steam pressure to power the electric generator. Three of the rotors are 15 feet wide and weigh 164 tons, while the other is eight feet wide and weighs 70 tons. All are 35 feet long.

In 2005, the Callaway Plant accounted for 16 percent of AmerenUE's generation and 10 percent of the total generation on the Ameren system.

Since beginning operation in 1984, the plant has achieved the sixth highest lifetime generation among the 103 nuclear power plants operating in the United States, and 22nd highest generation among the 443 nuclear plants operating around the world.

AmerenUE is a subsidiary of St. Louis-based Ameren Corporation. The Ameren companies serve 2.4 million electric customers and nearly one million natural gas customers across 64,000 square miles of Missouri and Illinois.

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