In addition, due to the ice storm's extensive damage to the electric service entrances at customers' homes, the services of an electrical contractor may be required to re-attach or repair customer-owned facilities, such as the meter base, weatherhead or point of attachment. See for a diagram showing this. If a customer notices damage to these facilities, that customer/owner should call an electrical contractor to make repairs so utility workers can safely restore service. Not repairing this damage could delay restoration to the customer's home. Customers who have had repairs completed on their service entrances must call Ameren to have service reconnected. Here are the numbers customers should use to call in to indicate they are still out of power, they have noticed a downed line or they need to alert the companies that repairs have been made to the service entrances of their homes:
888-672-5252 AmerenCILCO
888-789-2477 AmerenCIPS
800-755-7000 AmerenIP
800-552-7583 AmerenUE
Ameren companies express thanks and deep appreciation to all customers for their patience and support during this very trying period.
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